Selecting and Purchasing Carpet & Rugs

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the key design elements in today’s home, carpet provides a wide range of decorative possibilities and functional benefits. And because carpet is considered a major purchase there are certain factors which you need to consider before you buy. The informative articles below, written by industry professionals, will help you through this process.

Why choose carpet?

Carpet offers much more than other flooring choices. Wood, vinyl, and tile can’t touch the versatility, comfort and style that carpet delivers. It’s simply a great foundation for your feet and your room decor.

Beauty is not skin deep, but ankle deep.

Carpet is the foundation of your decorating. It can enhance a room with causal simplicity, or create a showcase for formal elegance. The style and color selection is so vast, you can find carpet to complement any décor.

Attitude adjustment and healing colors.

With carpet you can capitalize on the psychological affects certain colors have on mood. Think about bright, cheerful colors for children; soothing tones for older members of the family. It can also help when designing home offices and family rooms.

Comfort, it feel so good.

Carpet makes the floor a place to sit, to play and to relax. Nothing feels nicer on bare feet than to shuffle through a lush, thick carpet.

Plush Carpet Feet

Very low maintenance.

Regular, but simple vacuuming, quick attention to spills and professional cleaning every 12 to 18 months is all it takes to keep up appearances.

Natural Temperature control for seasonal comfort.

In the cold weather, carpet retains warm air and in the heat, it stays cooler.

I think our thick plush carpet has saved our baby from great injury. I know our thick plush carpet has saved me from great injury 🙂 

Safety, carpet is soft and safe.

Carpet is a great non-slick walking surface that prevents slips and falls. It ensures that seniors and toddlers find sure footing.

Noise reduction, very quiet.

Carpet absorbs sound within a room and acts as a sound barrier between floors.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]